Year 6 (2019-20)
August Letter to Year 6/7
Asmall Leavers 2019/2020

A collection of the children's school memories through the years.
Final Day Letter to Year 6 July 2020
Letter to Year 6 children from Mrs Speak 30th June 2020
Letter to Year 6 parents 30th June 2020
SEN Transition Information
Miss Tinnion, Mrs Yates, Mrs Yates & Mrs Smith!
Hello everyone - I hope you are all well.
Please check this page every Monday morning for new home learning.
There will be daily English and Maths lessons and lots of other fun activities to fit in wherever works best for you as a family.
Take care and be safe! We miss you!
A few of you have joined our 'Class Dojo' now and it has been lovely seeing what you have been getting up to! I am looking forward to seeing more of you join and post your photos and messages! Everyone who has been given permission has already been sent an invitation. Contact school if you need any help with this. Miss Tinnion.
Class DoJo Information - Permission
Year 6 - Parent Letter Phased Return to School
Year 6 Schedule for Phased Return to School June 2020
Letter to Year 6 Parents - 11th May 2020
There is no expectation that the children do school work on these dates.
Letter from Mrs Speak 18th May 2020
Letter from Mrs Speak 28th May 2020
Letter from Mrs Speak 8th June 2020
Y6 Letter 11th June 2020
Home Learning Spanish
See new printable Spanish booklet above (Stage 4 Summer pdf) , which accompanies scheme of work . Stage 4 booklet = Year 6.
Below you will find the 'Home Learning' posted before the Easter Break - these are the last 3 weeks of Spring Term:
Home Learning Week 3 WC 30.03.20
Home Learning Week 2 WC 23.03.20
Home Learning Week 1 WC 16.03.20
Welcome to Year 6!
In the autumn term we learned about the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age!
In the spring term our topic is The Romans. We are looking forward to going to Chester in March to find out more about life in Roman Britain.