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Holiday Dates

Headteachers are no longer allowed to authorise family holidays during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. There are very few exceptions to this.  I strongly advise that you do not book holidays which will mean your child will miss one or more school days; this includes family holidays which result in children returning late at the start of a new term.


Our Governors are very aware that the cost of holidays does increase during traditional school holidays and have organised our school holiday pattern to include an extended break at the end of May.  This was done with the intention of giving parents the opportunity to take cheaper holidays before the traditional bank holiday weekend.  Governors review their position regarding fines for holidays on a regular basis.


If parents do plan to take children out of school for a holiday, then an appointment must be made with Mrs Evans before the holiday is booked and appropriate paperwork completed.  The school has a duty to follow up every absence, every day.  Please do not cause unnecessary work by going on holiday without informing the school.

Holidays 2024-2025
