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Year 4

Year 4

Welcome to Class 4's Webpage!


So far, we have enjoyed exploring our new classroom in the brand new pods.


We have many lovely areas in class to use: a travel agent role play, class library, comfy reading zone, chill out/destress area, a desktop computer area, an art station, a quiet group area, math challenge table and our shared carpet area.


In our class, we have lots of adults helping us...

Mrs Daniels teaches us Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Mrs Whitfield teaches us Thursday and Friday.

Mrs Hall and Miss Davies are our teaching assistants and they help us every day in some of our lessons.

On a Thursday, we have a specialist PE coach teach us 

Mrs Mumford looks after us at lunchtimes.

Miss Milnes comes to see us sometimes too to help us learn!


We give out weekly spellings and times tables on a Wednesday - these are to come back in the following Tuesday.


We give out homework on a Friday and this is to be returned by the following Wednesday.


A Star of the Day is chosen most days and we have a Star of the Week on a Friday.


Our current Class Councillors are Arty and Teya. River has agreed to stay on for another term as a Class Councillor too!


We give lots of updates on Class Dojo for you to read.


We are really enjoying our topic this term... Ancient Mayans.

Watch this space for some updates!
