School Logo

Butterfly Room

Welcome To Butterfly Room smiley


Hello! We are the pre-school room at Asmall nursery. We hold up to 24 children per day and are open 8.45-3.30. Wrap around care is available using our breakfast and after school club where the children can mix with the school children. Breakfast club runs 7.45-8.45 and breakfast is provided and After school club runs 3.30-5.45 with a snack provided around 4 o'clock. 

In preschool we try to promote independence and school readiness during our daily routine. The children enjoy a short phonics sessions in the morning focusing on Phase 1 which develops their ability to hear sounds whether it be spoken words, instruments or everyday sounds around the setting and outdoors. These listening skills that they learn will help the children when they begin to learn to read and write in school. Adult led carpet time takes place for around 10 minutes in the morning and the afternoon. This helps to promote good listening and attention skills and is mostly based on the children's interests at that time i.e Space, Colours etc. We have free flow access to the outdoor provision shared with both Reception and Caterpillar room. The children are encouraged to put on their own jackets, wet suits and wellies ready for outdoor play. We do go out in all weathers and ask that the children attend with appropriate clothing each day i.e scarf, gloves, hat, sun cream. 

The children have a lot of input into the provision and we do pay close attention to their individual personalities, interests and learning styles. This helps the staff to provide exciting invitations to learn and enhancements that will engage the children and further their learning based on prior skills and knowledge.

In Butterfly room we want our children to feel secure and happy and to make the best possible progress they can make before transitioning to school.

Melissa, Kris and Emma heart

Here are some of our Invitations to Play.
