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The impact on our children is clear: progress, sustained learning and transferrable skills. 

  • Most children are reaching the end of year expectations in terms of attainment and progress.
  • The children are able to decode words and apply their phonological knowledge to segment and blend words to read smoothly.
  • The children read fluently across a range of age appropriate texts.
  • Internal assessments / national tests show children are in-line with national data.
  • Their readiness and preparedness for their next stage of education – EYFS to KS1, KS1 to KS2 and KS2 into KS3 at Secondary School.
  • The quality and breadth of the work children produce in their English books, as well as writing opportunities evident across their History, RE, Geography and Science books.
  • In KS2, children are moving onto pen and are consistently and fluently joining their handwriting.
  • The children’s love of reading is visible across the school.
  • The classroom learning environments and access to the whole school library show reading and writing are a crucial part of being at Asmall.
  • Children talk enthusiastically about books and read regularly for pleasure and information.
  • Children are able to write effectively using grammatically correct sentences for a range of purposes using year group relevant skills.
  • In KS2, children are moving onto pen and are consistently and fluently joining their handwriting.
  • Termly assessments show the children’s attainment and tracks their progress.
  • The knowledge they share when talking about their learning – they know more and are able to do more than when they started.

We strive for all children to attain in-line with, or to exceed, age-related expectations in Phonics, Reading, Writing, Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling. Teachers use on-going assessment to monitor the children’s progress against each year groups learning objectives. The English leader monitors English across the school to evaluate the impact of the curriculum on children’s learning and progress.


