Year 3
Home Learning January 2021
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
Lesson 1 | Maths | Maths | Maths | Maths | Maths |
B | R | E | A | K | |
Lesson 2 |
B | R | E | A | K | |
Lesson 3 | Science | PE |
Topic Geography |
RE | Times Tables |
B | R | E | A | K | |
Lesson 4 | Music |
Topic History |
Art | PE | PSCHE |
Lesson 5 |
Practise x tables and read your book |
Practise x tables and read your book |
Practise x tables and read your book |
Practise x tables and read your book |
Practise x tables and read your book |
1. Please share a story book with your child at some point every day. Reading to children is extremely valuable and helps build their vocabulary, sentence structure and understanding.
2. The children must read their school / individual reading book daily. Comments and contact from parents about what they are reading and the progress in reading would be welcomed (via Class Dojo).
Celebrating Learning
On Fridays, class teachers will celebrate children's work by sharing photographs on Class Dojo.
Challenge/ Additional Work
If you would like your child to complete additional activities to the ones set each day, then please see below. There are subject links with lessons in each area. You could choose the topics which you feel you need to practice more or would like to investigate further.
Below you will find the work which we used when the whole class bubble was in self isolation in October...
Bug Club
Here is the link to Bug Club (our online reading platform). I will send a message with everyone's login details on Class Dojo in case you have forgotten them.