Tuesday 8th December
Dough Disco
Topic - The nativity
Today our topic is again looking at the Christmas story. We are going to order our story, what happens at the start, the middle and the end?
Recap yesterdays video / powerpoint and talk about what happened. There is a document available here that you could print and cut out to order in a sequence or you could draw what happens in different parts if you don't have a printer.
Number time
This is a continuation of yesterdays counting session.
Circles - counting objects and adding them together.
Squares - counting on from a given number using a variety of objects.
There are some links to counting games that may help with their skills / just for fun. You could challenge the children to use addition in this, count how many they have in the gingerbread man + 4 for example.
Please see your activity link on Dojo for your child's phoneme/sound to learn today. Try and follow the structure as set out below.
Starter- flash though all sounds learnt so far. 'Quick write'- where your child writes the sound called out by yourself. Be sure to recap the sound learnt yesterday.
Main- focus on your new sound. Please watch the video linked to the sound your child is learning.
Main- How many words can you think of with that sound at the start / middle or end?
- play pairs using your new sound.
Finish- Tricky word
Bluebells and Snowdrops