Daily Maths
Below are the units from the summer term...
Maths 13.07.2020
Click on the White Rose link above for the videos. We will be doing Summer Term Week 10 (29th June). I will upload the paid for worksheets to go alongside the video below.
Click on the White Rose link above for the videos. We will be doing Summer Term Week 10 (29th June). I will upload the paid for worksheets to go alongside the video below.

Maths 06.07.2020
Click on the White Rose link above for the videos. We will be doing Summer Term Week 9 (22nd June). I will upload the paid for worksheets to go alongside the video below.
Click on the White Rose link above for the videos. We will be doing Summer Term Week 9 (22nd June). I will upload the paid for worksheets to go alongside the video below.
Maths 29.06.2020
Click on the White Rose link above for the videos. We will be doing Summer Term Week 8 (15th June). I will upload the paid for worksheets to go alongside the video below.
White Rose seems to have covered the same content twice for some sessions. If you have done all of the weeks so far, I have found an alternate weeks planning for you. If you haven't covered all of the weeks, then I would stick to the first set of plans on equal groups.
Sorry for any confusion. I'm not sure why it has worked out this way.
Click on the White Rose link above for the videos. We will be doing Summer Term Week 8 (15th June). I will upload the paid for worksheets to go alongside the video below.
White Rose seems to have covered the same content twice for some sessions. If you have done all of the weeks so far, I have found an alternate weeks planning for you. If you haven't covered all of the weeks, then I would stick to the first set of plans on equal groups.
Sorry for any confusion. I'm not sure why it has worked out this way.
Alternate week- If you have covered the planning above a few weeks ago here are some alternate lessons provided.
Maths 22.06.2020
Click on the White Rose link above for the videos. We will be doing Summer Term Week 7 (8th June). I will upload the paid for worksheets to go alongside the video below. This week is about counting in 2s, 5,s and 10s. I've also set up times table rockstars to practice 2s, 5s, and 10s if you want to link it to times tables.
Click on the White Rose link above for the videos. We will be doing Summer Term Week 7 (8th June). I will upload the paid for worksheets to go alongside the video below. This week is about counting in 2s, 5,s and 10s. I've also set up times table rockstars to practice 2s, 5s, and 10s if you want to link it to times tables.
Maths 15.06.2020
Click on the White Rose link above for the videos. We will be doing Summer Term Week 6 (1st June). I will upload the paid for worksheets to go alongside the video below. This week is about measuring mass and capacity.
Click on the White Rose link above for the videos. We will be doing Summer Term Week 6 (1st June). I will upload the paid for worksheets to go alongside the video below. This week is about measuring mass and capacity.
Maths 08.06.2020
Click on the White Rose link above for the videos. We will be doing Summer Term Week 5 (18th May). I will upload the paid for worksheets to go alongside the video below. This week is about comparing height and length, which then moves onto look at weight and mass.
Click on the White Rose link above for the videos. We will be doing Summer Term Week 5 (18th May). I will upload the paid for worksheets to go alongside the video below. This week is about comparing height and length, which then moves onto look at weight and mass.
Maths 01.06.2020
This week we will be looking at number bonds again and also looking at subtraction. . Look at the White Rose link above for more information. We will be doing Summer Term Week 4 (11th May). I will upload the paid for worksheets to go alongside the video below.
Maths 18.05.2020
This week we will be looking at number bonds and thinking about fact famalies. Look at the White Rose link above for more information. We will be doing Summer Term Week 3 (4th May).
Summer Week 4 Maths
This week we will be looking at some doubles and continuing with our making equal groups. Look at the White Rose link above for more information. We will be doing Summer Term Week 1 (20.05.20). The 'Hit the button' website (listed below) is a brilliant website for practicing known double facts. Don't forget to keep logging into Sumdog and practicing their quick recal of facts.
Maths 11.05.2020
This week we will be looking at measuring capacity, and also looking at what an array is. Practice counting up and down in 10s. You could stomp about or grab a jar of 10ps out to count. Look at the White Rose link above for more information. We will be doing Week 2 (with no date).
Well done to all of our 'Sumdoggers' this week! There has been a lot of competitive spirits, and I can't wait to see who else gets involved. The link is at the bottom of this page
Maths 25.04.2020
This week we will be looking at halving. Look at White Rose link above for more information. We are up to Summer Term Week 2 (27.04.2020).
Don't forget to try out Sumdog this week too. Link is at the bottom of this page.
Summer Week 1 Maths