We use the published scheme, 1 Decision as a base to teach our PSHE curriculum. However, we very much tailor our curriculum to meet the needs of our children. Our curriculum is supplemented by incorporating aspects from the Social Impact Award, Voice 21 and The Zones of Regulation.
The comprehensive resources are mapped to the PSHE Association’s Programme of Study.
The core of this programme is a series of videos with alternative endings. These videos encourage and empower children to make positive choices and decisions for the characters, whilst learning the vocabulary,
skills, and knowledge to support their own decision making now and in the future.
Throughout EYFS there is a wealth of resources including a wide array of stories, dilemma drops, interactive games, mindful videos and interactive games.
Throughout the 5-8 modules, the character Deedee introduces the videos, guides the children through the lesson activities and encourages good decision making inside and outside of school.
Throughout the 8-11 modules, the character Darlee introduces the videos, guides students through the lesson guide activities, and encourages good decision making inside and outside of school.
Each module within the portals provides on-screen assessment and lesson guides, word banks to reduce barriers to learning, documentaries and videos with alternative endings, activity worksheets and student self-assessments.