Friday 15.1.21
Fine motor
Circles work
Say it, make it, write it.
Follow these rules.
Answer these questions by following the rules. (count on where you can using your number line if you need to)
Say the question, make it using counters / objects then write down the answer. (what it makes)
3 + 5 =
8 + 2 =
10 + 3 =
7 + 7 =
8 + 9 =
4 + 6 =
11 + 4 =
Squares work
Say it, make it, write it.
Follow these rules.
Answer these questions by following the rules. (count on where you can using your number line if you need to)
Say the question, make it using counters / objects then write down the answer. (what it makes)
13 + 5 =
18 + 2 =
10 + 3 =
7 + 7 =
18 + 3 =
14 + 6 =