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Special Needs Provision

The school is proud of its inclusion policy.  We assess and track children carefully to ensure there is early identification of any specific educational, physical or behavioural needs. If necessary, identified children may be taught in small groups or individually through specific learning programmes supported by well-trained teaching assistants. Children with additional needs make excellent progress. The school is fully adapted to provide access for people with disabilities. Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Mrs Murray.  Mrs Stockton leads our Inclusion Team, which also includes Mrs Rebecca Whitfield (Deputy Head) and Mrs Sarah Evans (Headteacher). The Governors' policy on provision for children with Special Educational Needs is available on the school website.  The policy is reviewed and updated on an annual basis.


We welcome children with special needs. All children are admitted to school through the normal application procedures or through liaison with the Local Authority.


Throughout their school life children are assessed by their teachers. If this gives any cause for concern, the school will liaise with parents as to the best support for the child who may then be placed on the register of special needs. An Individual Education Plan will be drawn up detailing targets and any extra resources or staffing which may be needed.



A member of staff, The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, liaises with all class teachers to provide programmes of support for identified children, including those with social, emotional and social needs. The SENCo may also arrange for Teaching Assistants to work with children on a one to one basis or in small groups. If a child has more severe special needs, they may be assessed by representatives of the Local Authority. This may lead to extra funding being provided to support the child's specific needs.


Children with additional needs are taught alongside their peers in class.  The teachers and Teaching Assistants are extremely experienced in providing for children with additional needs. Within the class, Teaching Assistants work with the children to provide access to the curriculum (including PE). Peripatetic specialist teachers may visit the school to work with the children or advise staff.


The school is adapted to provide access for people with disabilities.  The school accessibility plan has identified access for the partially sighted as a priority for future development.


The Governors' policy on provision for children with Special Educational Needs is available in school for inspection.  If parents wish to see this policy, please apply to the Headteacher in writing for a copy.  The policy can also be found on the school website.  The policy is reviewed and updated on an annual basis.
